Saturday, September 27, 2008

Daddy's Award

My first trip out of the house on September 25th was to watch my Daddy get an award from the Police Department. Here is the article that was in the Denver Post.

DPD Honors Top Officers

Distinguished Service Cross

On March 8, Officers Andre Strode, Jason Meier, Christopher Griffith, and Eric Hill placed themselves between and woman and three children who were hiding from a wanted felon armed with a knife. The man refused to put it down and though the officers would have been justified to shoot the man, they got close enough to stop him with a Taser.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Birth Story

Short Version: Cade Christopher was born Tuesday September 16th (1 week overdue) at 7:49am after a successful induction. He weighed 7lbs. 4 ozs. and was 20 inches long.
Long Version: I woke up at 5:30am Sunday morning with the most intense contractions I had yet. All day Sunday I was hoping that this was it and we were about to give birth, but no matter what I did the contractions wouldn't get any closer than 7 minutes apart. They were really strong and painful, and some of them lasted as long as 3 minutes, but they never got close together. Needless to say I didn't get any sleep Sunday night. Monday morning I went and saw my midwife and was very disappointed to learn that all of the contractions for the past 36 hours had only moved me from 2cm to 3cm, and still 50% effaced. So she sent me home to wait for our scheduled induction at 9pm that night.
At 9pm we arrived at the hospital and were happy to find that I had progressed to 4cm, 80% effaced, and the baby had dropped from -2 station to 0 station. So the midwife decided to skip the first phase of induction with the cytotec (sp?) and proceed directly to Pitocin. She started me on the lowest dose of Pitocin at 11pm, and told me not to expect anything to happen for 2 hours. Within 30 minutes my contractions were 4 minutes apart and lasting 2 minutes. She checked me at 1am and I was 5cm and 100% effaced. Then things really got going, my contractions were coming right on top of each other with only about 30 seconds in between and were lasting 2 to 3 minutes. She checked me again at 2am and I was 6-7cm dialated. At this point I was in so much pain and wasn't getting any break in between the contractions so I opted for the epidural. Getting it put in wasn't as bad as I expected, just a little prick from the local they used to numb it. Unfortunately I did get a little sick from the initial dose of medicine and my wonderful Hubby had to hold the bucket while I puked for a few minutes (what a guy!). Then it completely kicked in and I was able to relax and get some sleep, which was amazing considering I hadn't really had any sleep for almost 2 days at this point. So I slept for a few hours, and by 6am we were ready to push.
We started pushing at 6am and he was born at 7:49am. This was definately the hardest part for me as I was tired and I was having some trouble moving him down. But I had a great midwife and nurse helping, and Eric was a great coach, trying to keep me motivated to get him out!! I did have a small internal tear and got about 10 stitches, but that isn't too bad. The hemorrhoids are far worse at this point! boo!
Baby Cade is doing great, so far he is just eating and sleeping.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Site for Baby Cade!

Hello all!

Caren and I have created this new site for baby Cade. We had an issue with the old Xanga Site. I tried to put Cade's birth date as the birth date for the profile. Apparently this is in violation of their terms of service since Cade is under 13 yrs old! So they deleted the profile! I sent them a nice and nasty email and decided to use this site from now on:)

Caren and I will be posting more regularly now that Cade has been born. So expect the first one within the next day or two explaining the whole birth process. Caren would do it tonight except for the fact that she is a little tired. Cant for the life of me figure out why?!

Much love to all and thank you for your prayers

Eric, Caren and Cade

New Pictures

New Pictures through month 9

Learning to Eat

Catch Up to Month 6

Valentine's Pictures

Month 3 Pictures

fun with wrapping paper

Baby's First Christmas

Photos of the last month

Week 8 Pictures

Week 6 and 7 photos

Week 4 and 5 photos

Week four video

Week 5 video

Another week 5 video

Week three photos...

Week Two Pictures...

First Family Pictures

Baby's First Bath