Friday, November 21, 2008

WOW its time for a post!!

ya, ya ya, I know. I am a lazy daddy! I havent posted in FOREVER! But its time and we have some new info for ya!

Cade went to the doctor last week for his checkup! He is 12.5lbs and 23in. long, which puts him in the 75th percentile for both! So we have a good sized baby! Not too big not too little just perfect. But daddy is happy that he is bigger then average :) He has definately been getting his personality lately! He loves to giggle and make noise, especially when he wakes up in the morning! He also loves being in the tub! He can be all fussy and upset, but the second he gets in the tub with one of us he is all smiles! Even when he gets out of the tub he is happy, as long as he is naked. Once we try to put his clothes on.... WAAAAAAAA! What can I say, he loves being naked :)

I have been sick the last several days. So I havent been able to cuddle or kiss him :( it has been really hard! So he has gotten a lot of "blow bellies" to make up for it :) Caren went back to work yesterday as well. She was gone all day and it was pretty hard for her. But she made it and came home to a waiting baby. I on the other hand got to stay home with him all day! It was very interesting. I understand now how it is hard to get things done when watching a newborn. He needs so much stinking attention! I was able to get the dishes done but that was about all. But it was nice being home with him and being able to see what it is like to be Mr. mom :)

As of right now we only have to have a babysitter one day a week. I am working Sat-Tue with Wed-Fri off. This means we only need a sitter on Tuesdays. We have a couple girls in our church group willing to do it. So that is a great backup. But I think we are going to go with the mother of a woman at Carens work. She used to watch children for a living and she only lives 4 or 6 blocks from Carens work! Best yet she doesnt want any pay. She only wants us to donate some money to the Red Cross! So this is an answer to prayer :)

On the homefront things are good. Caren and I are getting used to eachother again :) Babies change lives thats for sure. Like I said, Caren is back at work and as much as she wants to be a stay at home mom, she really does love her job. So we will see where that goes. Things are going well at work for me as well. I just got a permemant car. People only get permenant cars when they do really well. And my car is the most sought after one in the district!! It is a partner car so I am in there with a really good friend of mine. Our job is basically to search the district for drugs and guns. We bump up everyone we see and see if we can get anything off of them. We have already gotten an "attaboy" from the brass up top and we only just started! So it is very exciting :) The puppies are doing great as well. They love their little boy and they are still stealing kisses ever time our backs are turned! And to anyone who knows them this should come as no suprise.

Lastly, we are going to get some christmas pictures taken next week! We have a really cute idea for the baby so we look forward to letting you all see the pics :) We love you all!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week 6 and 7 pictures are up!

I have added week 6 and 7 photos to the blog. Including his cute chicken costume from halloween! And yes, there is a picture of Loki, because he wanted to get his picture taken too, while we were taking pictures of Cade!

I will have Eric write a longer blog sometime this week when he is off. My job is to get the pictures on the site, and his job is to write updates, so I will let him know he is slacking off on his job! :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sorry we are a little behind

I got the pictures and videos from weeks 4 and 5 up today, I will try and get week six up soon, hopefully while he is still six weeks old!

New Pictures

New Pictures through month 9

Learning to Eat

Catch Up to Month 6

Valentine's Pictures

Month 3 Pictures

fun with wrapping paper

Baby's First Christmas

Photos of the last month

Week 8 Pictures

Week 6 and 7 photos

Week 4 and 5 photos

Week four video

Week 5 video

Another week 5 video

Week three photos...

Week Two Pictures...

First Family Pictures

Baby's First Bath