Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's been awhile...

Sorry it has been so long since the last post. We last posted around the end of November, which is right around the time that Mommy went back to work and our lives went haywire again. We had just gotten used to having baby in the house with Mommy around all the time, and now we are learning how to have baby in the house with Mommy gone a lot of the time. Always a new adventure.

Cade is still growing like a weed. He turned 3 months old this week, and we are moving into 3-6 month clothes, so he is right on schedule. He has learned how to "talk" in the past few weeks, and now he just chatters all day long. He greets us in the morning (usually earlier than we would like) with a smile and lots of goos & gagas!

We love having him in our lives, it is so amazing how someone so small can so quickly become such a big part!

I would love to write more, but it is 11:00pm and I still want to get some photos uploaded and maybe get a little sleep before someone wakes up for his middle-of-the-night snack!

Our love and Merry Christmas to you all!

New Pictures

New Pictures through month 9

Learning to Eat

Catch Up to Month 6

Valentine's Pictures

Month 3 Pictures

fun with wrapping paper

Baby's First Christmas

Photos of the last month

Week 8 Pictures

Week 6 and 7 photos

Week 4 and 5 photos

Week four video

Week 5 video

Another week 5 video

Week three photos...

Week Two Pictures...

First Family Pictures

Baby's First Bath