Tuesday, October 21, 2008

He is already a 5 weeks old!!!!

Crazy to think that little baby Cade is now 5 weeks old!! And let me tell you... He just keeps growing faster and faster!

Caren and I went to the hospital the other day and while we were there we weighed our little baby. It turns out that he isnt quite so little anymore! he is now 9.8 lbs! And that was about 5 days ago! But we werent very suprised. He is a hungry boy! He has a cute outfit that says it all... it says "Milk Monster" on it! We always smile when we see him wear it :)

Things are going pretty well for the most part. He is usually in a pretty good mood. We have found out that dairy products make his little tummy hurt. So Caren has to be careful with all that. Mexican may or may not hurt his tummy we havent quite figured it out yet. But hopefully it turns out to be something else (for Caren's sake). He is losing his hair starting in the front and moving back. So right now he has this nice soft hair, but its only in the back of his head :) It looks pretty funny. Its kind of a modified mullet!!! Poor guy! He is also getting a little thicker, not chubby yet mind you, just thicker.

I went back to work last night. It was pretty tough for me. I am excited to be back, but I miss my little family. Caren will be returning to work part time starting in December. She will then be back full time starting in January. Just in time for Tax Season! She is not looking forward to it. I know you all find it hard to believe, but Caren is in "Stay at home mom" mode! But at this point in our lives we think its smarter for Caren to keep working. Our schedules should allow us to only need a babysitter 1 day a week. So keep us in your prayers while we try to figure this out.

So now for a cute story:
Caren had a bowl of ice cream a couple nights back. It upset Cade's stomach and he was crying like a..... well, like a baby! We could'nt calm him down so after about 10 minutes Caren took him into the nursury and started rocking him. A couple minutes later Eisa trots into the room and drops something into Carens lap. It was Cade's pacifier!!!! Eisa just dropped it on Carens lap and looked up at her like, "Here you forgot this!" It was the most adorable thing ever!! The dogs are still doing great with him though. They look out for him and lay next to him all the time.

Well thats it for now. Hope you are all doing well. We have some new pics but I cant put them up at the moment because I am on work. I know I know. I should be out there catching criminals. But it is raining and cops melt in the rain :) Love you all!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

week 2 synopsis

Eat, Sleep, Poop, Repeat

No seriously, that's about it.

The first two weeks of Cade's life have been pretty wonderful. Jim and Bonnie (Pappy and Bobby) were in town to help for the first week. Their help was GREATLY appreciated and we loved having them here (Even if they did drop off Jeff's and Amanda's evil gift of a Bronco's uniform :) ).

The second week of Cade;s life was spent with his other grandparents Chris and Cathy (Pappy and Grammy) Brett and Mindee were also here and we all had a great time. Once again we were very happy to have them here and we were sad to see them go.

Once the parents left we started settling in and getting used to it just being the 5 of us. We went to a big mall up north yesterday and enjoyed walking around. Caren was getting cabin fever and she loved getting out of the house. We went in a couple kids stores and got a few adorable outfits :) You can see 1 of them in the new pics below.

The Dogs adore him! Every time he makes a peep they run to check on him and then run to one of us obviously letting us know that he is making noise! They are a great brother and sister and we cant wait for them to grow up together!

Cade has been growing like a weed. Of course any kid who drinks this much boobie juice is bound to be huge. I guess we should have named him Magnus like I wanted. But oh well I love him just the same. He is sleeping at night pretty well. He gets up to feed every 3-4 hours and sometimes makes some grunting noises. Otherwise he does well.

People say that babies dont smile till they are 5 or 6 weeks. But I swear he has smiled at us a few time and it wasnt just gas! When he is awake he is happy just looking around and taking things in. He is an easy kid and we are VERY blessed. It is still pretty surreal though. We know we are parent but it still isnt sinking in.

We love you all and we thank you for sending gifts and making meals. We are blessed to have you all as friends and family and we love you all dearly!

New Pictures

New Pictures through month 9

Learning to Eat

Catch Up to Month 6

Valentine's Pictures

Month 3 Pictures

fun with wrapping paper

Baby's First Christmas

Photos of the last month

Week 8 Pictures

Week 6 and 7 photos

Week 4 and 5 photos

Week four video

Week 5 video

Another week 5 video

Week three photos...

Week Two Pictures...

First Family Pictures

Baby's First Bath